19 Jun
BEVA has announced details of the dentistry day it is holding at congress this year.
Equine dentist. IMAGE: chelle129 / Fotolia.
BEVA has announced details of the dentistry day it is holding at congress this year.
Taking place on September 16 at the Arena and Convention Centre in Liverpool, the event – open to equine dental technicians (EDTs) as well as congress delegates – will see experts in equine dentistry discuss a wide range of subjects, including:
There will also be talks on dental prophylaxis, how to remove wolf teeth, incisor and canine disorders, and making the most of dental radiographs.
The day costs £236 for members of the British Association of Equine Dental Technicians and £325 for non-members. For delegates attending congress, the cost is covered.
For more information and to book, visit the BEVA website.